
Thursday, May 04, 2006

Employers Now Able to Verify that Social Security Numbers and Names Match

The Social Security Administration (“SSA”) has created an online program called the Social Security Number Verification System (“SSNVS”). The only purpose of the SSNVS is to verify that Social Security numbers and names that employers have been provided match and are correct for purposes of completing W-2 forms.

The SSA states that such verifications can only occur after an employee has been hired and that the use of SSNVS is applied to employees consistently. If the SSA notifies an employer that the name and Social Security number do not match, rather than taking immediate adverse action such as raiding warehouses and job sites, employers are encouraged to communicate with the employee immediately of the problem. The SSNVS service is free and employers may sign up for the service at

Our experience with the SSA web site was fairly easy to navigate, but requires that you await receipt of an activation code through the US Postal Service.

Practical Implications

Employers should add the SSNVS to their policies to ensure the SSNVS is utilized after they hire and add revisions to the employee handbook to cover current employees. The employer should also inform employees through an offer letter that after they accept the offer, the employer will use the SSNVS system. To avoid problems with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing as well as the United States Equal Opportunity Employment Commission employers should implement the SSNVS verification process in a non-discriminatory and sensitive manner.

Questions about this article, the system and the verification of the SSNVS can be directed to Richard E. Quintilone II, Esq. or through an inquiry at


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